December 2011

Radio Bro Gwened

December 2011

Gouzout muioc'h diwar-benn

In our 'December' programme we look back at some entertaining events over the somewhat warmer months. Spotlight's intrepid team checked out a rehearsal of La Troupe Arlequin's production in October, attempted to follow the Tour de France when it passed through Mur de Bretagne in July and were thrilled by the Son et Lumiere at the Abbey de Bon Repos in August. Wendy Mewes continues her History of Brittany, reminding us of the 'Ups & Downs' here, following the Revolution. We bid you farewell for 2011 in our own inimitable way with an unrehearsed rendering of a carol or two - you might want to turn off/leave the room at this point! Meanwhile Happy Christmas, thanks for listening and join us again in 'January' 2012.